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Traumatic Coma Data Bank, the mortality rate in 163 patients who were initially comatose from a cranial gunshot wound was 88 percent more than twice the mortality that results from severe blunt head injury On emerging from coma, the patient passes through states of stupor, confusion, and amnesia, not unlike those following severe closed head injuries Headache, vomiting, vertigo, pallor, sweating, slowness of pulse, and elevation of blood pressure are other common ndings Focal or focal and generalized seizures occur in the early phase of the injury in some 15 to 20 percent of cases Recovery may take many months Frazier and Ingham comment on the loss of memory, slow cerebration, indifference, mild depression, inability to concentrate, sense of fatigue, irritability, vasomotor and cardiac instability, frequent seizures, headaches and giddiness, all reminiscent of the residual symptoms from severe closed head injury with contusions Every possible combination of focal cerebral symptoms may be caused by such lesions The classic articles by Feiring and Davidoff and also by Russell and by Teuber, listed at the end of this chapter, are still very useful references on this subject Epilepsy is the most troublesome sequela and is described below Ascroft and also Caveness, in reviewing World War II cases, found that approximately half of all patients with wounds that had penetrated the dura eventually developed epilepsy, most often focal in nature; the gures reported by Caveness for Korean War veterans are about the same CSF rhinorrhea, discussed earlier and in Chap 30, may occur as an acute manifestation of a penetrating injury that produces a fracture through the frontal, ethmoid, or sphenoid bones Cairns listed these acute cases as a separate group in his classi cation of CSF rhinorrheas, the others being (1) a delayed form after craniocerebral injury, (2) a form that follows sinus and cranial surgery, and (3) a spontaneous variety Pneumoencephalocele (aerocele) ie, air entering the cerebral subarachnoid space or ventricles spontaneously or as a result of sneezing or blowing the nose is evidence of an opening from the paranasal sinus through the dura, as mentioned earlier in relation to skull fracture (Fig 35-3) Crushing Injuries of the Skull Aside from the absence of concussion, these relatively rare cerebral lesions present no special clinical features or neurologic problems not already discussed Birth Injuries These involve a unique combination of physical forces and circulatory-oxygenation factors and are discussed separately in Chap 38.

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Code 128 & GS1-128 barcode Excel macros from Azalea Software. Free macros, free tech support and a 30 day money-back guarantee. Buy online, download ...
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ALLEN GI, TSUKAHARA N: Cerebrocerebellar communication systems Physiol Rev 54:957, 1974 BABINSKI J: De l asynergie cerebelleuse Rev Neurol 7:806, 1899 CHAMBERS WW, SPRAGUE JM: Functional localization in the cerebellum: I Organization in longitudinal cortico-nuclear zones and their contribution to the control of posture, both extrapyramidal and pyramidal J Comp Neurol 103:104, 1955 CHAMBERS WW, SPRAGUE JM: Functional localization in the cerebellum: II Somatotopic organization in cortex and nuclei Arch Neurol Psychiatry 74:653, 1955 DIENER HC, DICHGANS J: Pathophysiology of cerebellar ataxia Mov Disord 7:95, 1992 EVARTS EV, THACH WT: Motor mechanism of the CNS: Cerebrocerebellar interrelations Annu Rev Physiol 31:451, 1969 GILMAN S: Cerebellar control of movement Ann Neurol 35:3, 1994 GILMAN S, BLOEDEL J, LECHTENBERG R: Disorders of the Cerebellum Philadelphia, Davis, 1980, pp 159 177 HALLETT M, BERARDELLI A, MATHESON J, et al: Physiological analysis of simple rapid movement in patients with cerebellar de cits J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 53:124, 1991 HALLETT M, SHAHANI BT, YOUNG RR: EMG analysis of patients with cerebellar de cits J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 38:1163, 1975 HOLMES G: The cerebellum of man: Hughlings Jackson Lecture Brain 62: 1, 1939 JANSEN J, BRODAL A: Aspects of Cerebellar Anatomy Oslo, Johan Grundt Tanum Forlag, 1954 KANDEL ER, SCHWARTZ JH, JESSEL TM(eds): Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000 LEINER HC, LEINER AL, DOW RS: Does the cerebellum contribute to mental skills Behav Neurosci 100:443, 1986 SCHMAHMANN JD, SHERMAN JC: The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome Brain 121:561, 1998 SPRAGUE JM, CHAMBERS WW: Control of posture by reticular formation and cerebellum in the intact, anesthetized and unanesthetized and in the decerebrated cat Am J Physiol 176:52, 1954 STEWART TG, HOLMES G: Symptomatology of cerebellar tumors: A study of forty cases Brain 27:522, 1904 THACH WT JR, GOODKIN HP, KEATING JG: The cerebellum and the adaptive coordination of movement Annu Rev Neurosci 150:403, 1992 THACH WT JR, MONTGOMERY EB Jr: Motor system, in Pearlman AL, Collins RC (eds): Neurobiology of Disease New York, Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 168 196 URBAN PP, MARX J, HUNSCHE S, et al: Cerebellar speech representation Arch Neurol 60:965, 2003.

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Follow these steps to install Code 128 Fonts Add-in and Toolbar in Microsoft Excel . By default, BarCodeWiz Add-ins are installed only for the user installing the ...
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6, The world of bar codes is complicated and extensive. 7, This simple example shows how to use a free barcode font ( Code 128 ). 8, to convert cell values into ...

Hidden in the background on this tab is another tab for the Reusable Web Items This will be covered later in this chapter

The subject of tremor is considered at this point because of its association with diseases of the basal ganglia and cerebellum In addition, a group of miscellaneous movement disorders myoclonus, facial and cervical dyskinesias, occupational spasms (focal dystonias), and tics are described in this chapter These disorders are largely involuntary in nature and can be quite disabling, but they have an uncertain pathologic basis and an inde nite relationship to the extrapyramidal motor disorders or to other standard categories of neurologic disease They are brought together here mainly for convenience of exposition

The following types of tremor, the features of which are summarized in Table 6-1, are the ones encountered most frequently in clinical practice In clinical analysis, they are usually distinguishable on the basis of (1) rhythmicity, (2) amplitude, (3) frequency, and (4) relation to movement, postural set, and relaxation Such analysis also differentiates tremors from a large array of nontremorous states, such as fasciculations, sensory ataxia, myoclonus, asterixis, epilepsia partialis continua, clonus, and shivering


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Code 128 Barcode Frequently Asked Questions : Azalea Software, Inc
How do I make a Code 128 barcode in Excel ? How do I make ... Code 128 barcodes include a mandatory 'modulo 103' check digit at the end the data. The mod ...

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